The Seljuk Han of Anatolia


Recently-restored, this han in the Meram garden district of Konya was built as a link in the chain of stopovers on the busy road leading to Beyşehir and beyond.


han after completion of restoration project, February 2010

photo of the han in 2007 before restoration

Covered section top; courtyard plan bottom. (Plans courtesy of Dr. Ali Baş)





37.88137, 32.431664


The Dibi-Delik Han is located in the old Seljuk-era neighborhood of Selçuklu hear the Meram Faculty of the School of Medicine of the Selçuk University, about 5 miles from the center of Konya.



Hocacihan, Akbaşi or Akyokuş Han


1200-1210 or the Beylik period (late 13th)


The dating of this han is problematic. Its simple form, location next to several other monuments of the early Seljuk periods han, and position on the string of hans build on the Konya-Beyşehir road argues for an early date (1200-1210). Prof. Dr. Haşim Karpuz believes that it was built during the Beylik Period. Its differences in style, construction techniques and decoration posit for a later dating, much like two other hans in the Konya region, the Zalmanda and the Zivarik.



Probably Giyaseddin Keyhüsrev I if the earlier dating is retained


The inscription plaque has been lost.


Not known



Covered section with an open courtyard (COC)
Covered section and courtyard of the same width
Covered section with 3 naves perpendicular to the rear wall

5 lines of support cross vaults parallel to the rear wall

This han was probably built as a part of the Beyşehir Road chain of hans at the same time as the others. Due to its small size, location and plan type, an early 13th date is probable. Originally it was most certainly of the open courtyard with covered section plan, but the front courtyard has now been destroyed. A part of the covered vault remains on the northern side, as well as column supports on the northern and eastern sides. Nearby is a historic Seljuk cistern, the Divler Sarnici.


This han faces southeast towards Konya, and lies perpendicular to the road.


There is no decoration on this han.


This is not a particularly large han: the 2-aisled covered section measures approximately 20m wide by 34m long.

This han was in a very ruined state, but a restoration project was undertaken in 2008, and was completed in the spring of 2010. For an article on the restored han on the City of Konya website, click here (In Turkish, photos included):



Baş, Ali. "Konya-Beysehir-Derebucak Kervanyolu" in Konya Kitabı X, Konya Ticaret Odası, 2007, pp. 129-142.

Görür, Muhammet. “Anadolu Selçuklu Dönemi Kervansaraylari Kataloğu.” Acun, H. Anadolu Selçuklu Dönemi Kervansaraylari. Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği, 2007, pp. 475.

Karpuz, Haşim. & Kuş, A. & Dıvarcı, I. & Şimşek, F. Anadolu Selçuklu Eserleri, 2008., vol. 2, p. 88.

Kuş, A. & Dıvarcı, I. & Şimşek, F. Konya ve ilçelerindeki Selçuklu Eserleri, 2005, p. 126; Divler well on p. 130.































Karpuz, Anadolu Selçuklu Eserleri (2008) v.2, p. 88

Divler cistern


(photo courtesy of Serdar Ceylan)






for photos taken during the restoration project in August, 2009, click below:






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