The Seljuk Han of Anatolia
Covered Open Courtyard Plan Type (COC)
Hans with a
covered section and an open courtyard: the covered with courtyard plan (COC)
Hans of this type consist of two parts: an open courtyard and
a covered section behind it. This is the most frequent type of hans and is
often referred to as the "classical scheme" of Anatolian hans. The covered
section is referred to in Turkish as the kişlik, or
"winter section".
This type is generally broken down into two subdivisions:
1) the covered section and courtyard are the same width, generally with 3 aisles running perpendicular to the back wall
2) the courtyard is wider than the covered section, generally with a middle aisle and side aisles.
Although the two sections can be of equal width, the covered section is usually narrower than the courtyard. This covered section has a varying number of vaults, laying parallel or perpendicular to the portal and the rear wall. The covered section can contain a lantern dome in the center of the vaulting to admit light. The courtyard is usually arcaded with a vaulting system supported by piers, and can have one or two rows of cells. There can also be 1 to 4 iwans in the courtyard. Lastly, the plan often comprises a small cubed mosque ("kiosk mescit" in Turkish) in the center of the courtyard, raised up on 4 piers.
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